Electricians Sheffield
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Launching our new branding, website and blog.

‘Don’t be afraid of change. You might lose something good, but you will gain something better’

You may have noticed many changes at Northshaw electrical lately.

We’ve been busy working behind the scenes over the last couple of months to develop a fresh new brand that captures who we are and what we are all about.

Here’s a quick rundown of some of the changes you will see:

  • new logo
  • new website
  • new blog
  • new videos
  • new social media profiles
  • new eBook
  • cool company swag (ok, yes we had that before!)

We are still the electricians you know and love, we’ve just got better looking.

Electricians Sheffield

The new branding also marks that start of our move into offering new services! Our team are now fully trained up to provide customers with home automation to help you turn your house into a smart home. You can save money, help the environment and benefit from the latest advances in technology (and we bet it costs less than you think!) Everything from lighting control systems to climate control solutions. Download our beginners guide to find out more

Electricians Sheffield

To learn more about our brand refresh please take a few minutes to explore our new website, watch our testimonial videos and check out our new logo. Change is good and we’re proud to showcase our updated brand with you.

A massive thank you to everyone who has used our services and supported us over the last 4 years. Please let us know what you think to the new name and branding!

Many thanks,

The Smart Electricians Team

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Robert Shaw
★ Founder and Director at Smart Electricians ★
Rob has worked within the electrical industry for 16 years helping home owners, business owners, landlords and construction companies with all their electrical needs. The proud owner of Smart Electricians, Rob prides himself on giving a friendly, professional and reliable service to his customers and clients. Rob’s friendly manner and impressive work ethic has led to Rob being one of Sheffield’s leading electrical contractors, giving Smart Electricians a great reputation not only for electrical installations but also in the ever growing industry of home automation and smart technology.
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