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5 Common Electrical Problems in Commercial Buildings

As a trusted electrician in Sheffield and the surrounding areas, Smart Electricians have been faced with all kinds of issues when it comes to commercial properties. Usually, they are easy to resolve, and our experience and expertise allows us to come up with solutions in a timely fashion. As the landlord, tenant, or owner of a commercial property, you may be wondering what some common electrical problems are so that you can look out for them and tackle them before they become serious. With this in mind, we have put the following list of five familiar electrical problems we sometimes come across in commercial buildings…

Power Loss

If you operate a commercial space, unexpected power loss can pose a major problem. It can become impossible to achieve your daily targets if your electrical supply keeps cutting out. Flicking the fuse will usually resolve the problem quickly, but if this doesn’t work or it keeps happening, it would be wise to speak to a professional.

Flickering Lights

Usually, flickering lights in a commercial space is a sign that connection is poor. It’s important to get this sorted as quickly as possible so that there is no long-term damage.

Not Enough Sockets

As your business grows, you may find that you don’t have enough sockets to keep up with all of the electrical appliances you need to use, like computers, printers, phones etc. A power strip (with a surge protector) might be a short term solution. However, rewiring the property to allow for additional outlets is a safer and more permanent solution.

Tripping Breakers

When breakers trip, it could be that your electrical circuits are being overloaded, or there might be a short circuit. Either way, you will need to get this resolved as a priority, because it could become a potential fire hazard.

Hot Fixtures/Sparks

Again, this is very dangerous for people in the building, so unusually hot appliances or sparking should be sorted immediately. Smart Electricians will be able to diagnose and fix the problem as quickly as possible.

It’s important to complete regular electrical inspections in your commercial property. This will ensure you are adhering to safety guidelines and reducing the risk of injury or damage. If repair work does need to be completed, be sure to choose a certified, trusted electrician.

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Robert Shaw
★ Founder and Director at Smart Electricians ★
Rob has worked within the electrical industry for 16 years helping home owners, business owners, landlords and construction companies with all their electrical needs. The proud owner of Smart Electricians, Rob prides himself on giving a friendly, professional and reliable service to his customers and clients. Rob’s friendly manner and impressive work ethic has led to Rob being one of Sheffield’s leading electrical contractors, giving Smart Electricians a great reputation not only for electrical installations but also in the ever growing industry of home automation and smart technology.
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